Transforming Decision Making into a Competitive Advantage

Current Challenges

Over three decades of experiences, our Industry Experts identified several problems companies face in effective and efficient decision making. In turn, they were broadly categorized as People and Process challenges.

Process challenges result from a lack of standardized or inconsistent models, framework and assessment used by organisations in assessing opportunities. This lack of standardization extends to analysis undertaken inter-division, inter-function, inter-country, and inter-region relating to growth-related opportunities emanating from all functions - Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing, HR, etc.

People challenges result from staff turnover and movement impacting the skill base and experience of future staff undertaking analysis. This problem is exacerbated in times of margin pressure and resource availability and the availability of staff to undertake the analysis.

The impact of these People Challenges is a lack of consistent high quality analysis and slow turnaround in evaluating opportunities causing fewer opportunities being assessed with greater error.

The combined impact on decision-making from these challenges is slow, error-prone analysis, with cross-functional uncertainty and hesitation given the uncertain analytical process followed.

This leads to sub-optimal choice of opportunities from slow, erroneous, and inconsistent analysis, and from it, misallocation of resources, and ultimately marginalized financial performance.

With this in mind, SSB Software Solutions, with the aid of Industry Experts, has sought to address these People & Process challenges, and with transform decision-making into a competitive advantage for companies over its competition.